Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Create a Stunning Animated .gif Banner in 1 Minute

Hi Guys,
            Today i created my first animated gif banner, before that i thought(most of guys tooo) thinking, it's a difficult or big task, but is only i created this tutorial <3
            Creating a .gif animated banner is a easy task..if you have high creativity, then you can create a highly attractive banner :)

Things needed:

1. Background image or texture.

Guys use texture for normal banners, or use custom background(design in photoshop)

Note: Use google image search for finding texture, include some words in search..
eg: black texture/metal texture/pink texture/simple texture.

2. Bannershop GIF animator 5 software. (trial version is even enough)

3) Any extra icons or small images in banner. (optional)

4. Text or slogans or message to convey.

Every banner is created for some reason. (Mostly to convey message in animated motion pictures/animated text instead of static texts to attract visitors, at least click through is higher than normal texts)

So decide why you're creating banner and add slogans or texts going to convey... if you're a gaming freak, add games related texts or something..

5. Banner size

Everything is limited by size, in wjunction accepted height in signature is 100px.

so decide the size you need 

Let's start==>>

Open the software (bannershop gif animator 5),  

Select animation wizard, press ok.

I selected 600 x 100, 
If you need the standard size means, it's available in drop down

then press ok.

Now you got the window like below image..

just drag and drop the texture or choose the background colour by right click

Note: Use google to search background images.

then click the Symbol "A" in left side for adding Texts/slogans

Now type the text, choose the color of text in contrast with banner(i used dark texture/background, so i used white color for texts)

now right click the text frame, and select the intro anime to give EFFECTS

Add new frame, put the texture once again there or copy texture from first frame..add text add effects...

Note: Always select intro animation first, then selct outro animation.

Thats all

Final Product

Now play with the effects it have.
So every one can create .gif banner as easy as possible...

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